The Nightingale Centre in Great Hucklow, Derbyshire has 30 bedrooms available for guests. Some already had en-suite provision and some relied on communal bathrooms. The brief for this project was to explore the feasibility of converting all bedrooms on the front wing to en-suite bathroom provision without losing any bed space, so as to keep the guest numbers at the current level.
I took the project through from the initial surveys and concept planning, through the various RIBA stages of work up to a point where they were sent out to tender.
The project was a real design challenge, as creating 16 new en-suites took up a fair amount of space. The brief was such that the space lost couldn’t impact on the beds available, and all rooms were to be kept within the British Standards for space planning in hospitality buildings. On top of that, 16 new en-suites require a lot of ventilation and drainage, so routing the ducts and pipework whilst keeping it all concealed was tough, but it was all achieved in the final design.
I’ve done several projects at the Nightingale Centre, and enjoy an ongoing strong working relationship with the management who are very clear in their briefs, which always makes for a better all-round project.